Planned transnational project meetings will be organized with primary aim for team work of transnational project partner (PP) teams on evaluation of realized project activities, determination and resolving of challenges, and preparation of future activities.

Final Dissemination Event of the project “The Music Balkan Train for Peace“ in Kochani, North Macedonia
In the period of 29th of June – 1th of July 2024 a project partners meeting and final dissemination event of the project “The Music Balkan Train for Peace” took place in Kochani, North Macedonia. The first day of the event started with a welcoming speech by a representative of the North Macedonian partner. Then…

Second transnational project partners meeting within the project “The Music Balkan Train for Peace” in Larissa, Greece
Second transnational partner meeting of the project “The Music Balkan Train for Peace” took place in the Greek city of Larissa. Despite the bad weather conditions in the area, the Music School of Larissa and NGO AID hosts ensured that all activities related to the meeting went smoothly and safely for the project partners. During…

Kick-off Meeting of project “The Music Balkan Train for Peace”
On April 5-6-7, 2023, the first partner meeting of Erasmus+ project “The Music Balkan Train for Peace” was organized in the city of Pazardzhik. The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme, under contract No. 2022-1-BG01-KA220-SCH-000089076 and has duration of 24 months, starting from the end of 2022. On the Bulgarian side participated the association…