Activity “Short-term joint staff training event” encompasses NGO staff and 3 teachers + 1 manager from each school. During this activity, as described, teachers were educated from NGO staff on the topic, included in Project Result 1 (the Training Course Toolkit). This activity is the pillar of the current project, since teachers and manager from each school were the ones transmitting the acknowledgments to the pupils. This activity includes 9 workshops on topics such as “Defining the framework of racism”, “Phenomena of racism and radicalization”, “The contribution of music to human rights, peace and European identity”, and “Music as a tool for expression and education”. Training experts from the NGO AID from Larissa, Greece, NGO LAG – Kochani, North Macedonia and Association Centre for Sustainability and Economic Growth (CSEG) from Pazardzhik, Bulgaria introduced and passed on their knowledge on the topics to all participants. A specially designed workshop on the work of John Lennon as one of the most outstanding examples of peace through music was also presented to the participants.
Long term teaching/learning assignments for students in schools is the continuation of the above Training activity. Main purpose is the transmission of the gained methods and tools of the teachers to the pupils.
Activity “Short term exchange of pupils” will take place in Greece in May of 2024 and will be organised as a 5 day event. 3 pupils of each school (winning team of each school) will participate + manager of each school will accompany the students.

Long-term teaching assignment
Long-term teaching assignment (September 2023 – May 2024). The three pilot schools of the project participated in this activity. Its goal was to introduce a minimum of 60 students (20 from each school) to the topics of the project and to organize a competition among the students at the local level, which were divided by…

Pupils event of the project “The Music Balkan Train for Peace“
In the period of 9th – 12th of May 2024 the pupils event of the project “The Music Balkan Train for Peace” took place in Larissa, Greece. The opening of the event started with a welcoming speech by a representative of the Greek NGO AID. Then the tasks and objectives of the event for students…

First short-term project partners teams training event within The Music Balkan Train for Peace Project
Between 26th and 31st of August 2023 in Kochani, North Macedonia the first short-term project partners’ teams of the project The Music Balkan Train for Peace took place. During this period, 9 workshops were held on topics such as “Defining the framework of racism”, “Phenomena of racism and radicalization”, “The contribution of music to human…