Secondary school “Dimitar Gachev”

Secondary school Dimitar Gachev, Pazardzhik, Bulgaria

SU “Dimitar Gachev” was opened in 1987. All educational subjects are studied at the school. It has a modern material and technical base and qualified teachers, for whom the main value is the student. It protects the life and health of students and ensures equal access to education for children of Roma origin. It established itself as a center and an attractive place for students from the neighborhood, capable of preparing them for successful integration, socialization and realization in modern society. The school employs highly qualified teachers who form knowledge and personal skills in students for active interaction with the social environment, respect for civil rights and responsibilities; tolerance; countermeasures against acts of violence. Each classroom in the school is equipped with personal computers, internet and multimedia projectors mounted on the ceiling of the classroom with the ability to project over the whiteboard. There are 231 female students studying at “Dimitar Gachev” Secondary School, who are 100% Roma aged 7 to 17. We offer quality education, trained specialists, European standard, educated students with the relevant basic competencies, providing them with a dignified life. In the conditions of developing Europe and rapidly developing markets and technologies, we must adequately respond to the challenges of time and environment and offer a STANDARD. Standard in every respect – qualified staff and quality modern education. Students live in a closed ethnic group and in this respect are limited from appropriate role models, common culture, motivation to learn and upbringing that conforms to societal norms. Education and the school as an institution destined to provide it within its mandatory framework have faced a number of challenges in recent years. Reduction in the number of children, early dropout of students due to social status, lack of motivation, interest and culture on the part of parents, economic migration are all reasons that lead to low interest in the educational process and poor results in acquiring knowledge and skills. Another problem for the modern Bulgarian school is how to adequately respond to the needs of students to learn interestingly, to be properly evaluated for their acquired knowledge and skills. In the information age, this is a huge challenge for teachers, and for parents too. The aspiration of all of us is to increase the students’ interest in the educational process and foster a responsible attitude towards the duties and assigned tasks/a step towards responsible and productive work/. The European plan for the development of our school envisages the development of this project, which will upgrade and develop the needs of the organization – improving management and increasing the authority of the teaching profession and the school as an institution, improving the educational process.

Tel: +359 876465075

Valeri Stoyanov